This caused me to think, and I suppose, remember how many people perceive Jesus. As this good-deed guy who helped others and was cool with the sinners. "Don't Judge me, Jesus didn't" And stuff like that.
Jesus did care for others, absolutely, and taught us not to judge as well, but He did, and He IS so much more than that. Jesus kept the Jews from stoning the prostitute by having them search there own lives, as David declares in psalm 139 that his God has searched his own heart. He healed the sick, he cared for the widows, he cared for the children, the orphans, he fed the hungry, physically and spiritually. But Jesus, was MORE than a good samaritan. He said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” And he is right in saying this. Jesus wants us to help others, and love the sinners, but He most importantly called us to disciple others in His truth. Jesus is the answer. Jesus' advice is great to live by, but it isn't the solution. Jesus is the solution.