Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Time.

I officially went on my first christmas light drive. It may have only been one house but it means it is that time of the year! What a great time. Oh and my camera came, It is AMAZING!
So Last night at switch we talked about the Christmas story. I learned so much. Did you know the wise man weren't there at the manger.... Kind of funny that every nativity scene has them.
But three things really stood out to me last night.
1) The fact that Elizabeth had John, I mean she was like 70 years old that's Impossible right?
But Nothing is impossible for God. (Luke 1:37) Amen To that. Just as Mary, a virgin, gave birth to the savior. Crazy Stuff. It just goes to show you that not only can God do anything but he will also use whoever he chooses. (Be ready to be used!)
2) Where Jesus was born. Did you know that this "manger" was a feeding troph for the animals? Imagine that our Savior was born in a farm animal infested barn that had poop everywhere and his first bed was a feeding Troph. Yeah, that is how much God loves you. He will go deep amongst the dirt for your salvation, so don't ever believe that his grace is not powerful enough to save you from eternal separation. He Loves You!
3) It gets better. When Jesus was born, King Herod found out that a so called "king" was born. So what did he do? He killed all the male babies in the vicinity of Bethlehem!!!! God knew this and told Mary and Joseph to flee to Egypt with baby Jesus until he called them back home. So from the very Get-go our savior was threatened of Death. Yes you are that important. Remember that Our God Is Mighty to Save!

1 comment:

Seth said...

Glad to see this stuff leaves an impact on ya. I definitely think that God is into Sci-Fi because of how weird and outlandish some of the Bible is. Makes me feel justified when confronting my internal geek. Sometimes I wonder what it would look like if it played out in our world today.

Oh, and good to see you have a blog too.