Thursday, December 3, 2009


Ever hear the old story about the guy who went to a new church for the first time? He sang loudly and laughed out loud. During the time of greeting he hugged and slapped people on the back, and when the congregation read from the bulletin he read loudly as if he meant every word. Finally, someone went and told him this was inappropriate behavior and asked him to leave. As he sat outside on the steps of the church, Jesus came up to him and said, "It's ok, Buddy, I've been trying to get in for years."
Too often we're to busy being religious that we forget to invite Jesus to church. To many people today He has merely become a plastic figurine, a portrait hanging on the wall, or an advertisement. He is far more than this. Jesus is the embodiment of the gospel of God. He's the reason we're here. When we commit ourselves to the idea that Jesus is infinitely more than we understand, we'll receive a gift from God– understanding.
-Everything Counts, daily devotional: November 29th.

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