Thursday, March 4, 2010

Freedom Of Inquiry.

I just watched Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, because I have to do a paper on the effectiveness of its argument. Well... It convinced me. So I suppose its a keeper.
I think it is pretty ridiculous that there isn't even the freedom to talk about Intelligent Design, I mean isn't science supposed to question the common consensus. That is what Galileo did, Aristotle did, Newton did, Darwin did, Einstein did, and all those other guys I forgot to mention. They even questioned each others perspectives which got us where we are today. hmmm. So let's be bold. Question what is around us, find the evidence, and draw a conclusion. Yes, I mean even for our faith. That's what Lee Strobel did in Case For Christ. God knows that we have questions. That is why even Paul says in Romans that we will have no excuse on Judgment day because the work of God is all around us. The Great I AM understands us, I mean He did makes us (Well we better find out for sure, I suppose). Well, That's all I got, time to ride my bike back to the dorms. Goodbye my fellow scientists.