Monday, January 26, 2009


On Saturday morning i woke up and decided to just pray. Now i write down my prayers just so I can look back on them and see what God has done.(Something I encourage everyone should do). I reread that one today and it really just stuck with me. We need a heart for God. You notice that all that is after that is a period. If we Love God with everything, all else will fall into place. Just like when Jesus said to Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Guys thats all we need to do. Imagine what our world would be like with those two things at the forefront of everyone's minds. Just imagine. How amazing it would be if we all did these two simple things.
Now for my prayer. I was going to write it all on here, but didn't feel the need. Here is one sentence from it. May it stick in your minds.
"Let me be set-apart, sanctified, by You, from this world."
Not of this world has become such a seen but not paid attention to symbol. But its so huge.
So in conclusion, pray that you would be able to die to yourself and be sanctified.
Live for Jesus.

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